Chapter 29 – Case Closed (Part III)
Elaine walked over and took the phone from him, once unlocked and the cryptography on the phone broken she could easily use the Enoch at her hip to access the active storage on the phones. A moment later and she had what she needed from her entire team’s set of cryptophones. “Yes. They’re all green,” […]
Chapter 29 – Case Closed (Part II)
Frog smirked and passed a finger through some curling green hairs dripping down her bangs. “I know everyone is anxious to get this over with,” she said. “But we just need to wait a little longer for David and Russell to get here.” A knock at the door to Elaine’s lab and Frog opened it […]
Chapter 29 – Case Closed (Part I)
Today the dean looked less like an old British man in a trimmed suit and more like an administrator flush with presence and purpose. To Frog and Elaine, his attitude made him almost-gentlemanly—friendly but not too friendly and filled with a profound joy restrained by reserved social grace. Elaine stood in front of his desk […]
Chapter 28 – My Moriarti to Your Holmes (Part III)
Linscott breathed another sigh and Elaine’s eyes turned towards him. He gave her a slow, hard, look and walked out of the room shaking. As his footfalls faded she heard him dial a number on his cell phone and start talking. What happened to him next didn’t matter now. “Now, to figure out who they […]
Chapter 28 – My Moriarti to Your Holmes (Part II)
The weekend and the late hour worked to Elaine’s advantage as she sped across the campus. Her surroundings blurred by with an uncanny almost-surreal gaussian stretch as photons intersected the Acellerando field and warped into her frame of reference–it cast the world with a subtle shift from blue filtered to red across the center of […]
Chapter 28 – My Moriarti to Your Holmes (Part I)
The dean chose to remain in his office after he regained use of his back and leg muscles (his resignation to what happened summed up with a “You know where I am if you need me.”) Whitaker had been taken by Toller into one of the adjoining rooms and handcuffed to a chair—she left the […]